Have you ever tried to talk about your faith and felt like a complete failure afterward? Maybe friends laughed at you when you told them you follow Jesus. Or maybe you were rejected by someone when you tried to give them biblical literature.

Don’t give up! You can learn to talk about Jesus without freaking out. Here are five secrets to sharing your faith …

Secret #1: Spend time in Bible study and prayer.

The most important secret to sharing Jesus with others is to spend time with Him every day. Here’s why: First, your friendship with Jesus will grow as you study the Bible and see Him work in your life through answered prayers. It is far easier to talk about someone you know and love. 

Second, God can work in your friends’ lives when you pray for them; He will send His Holy Spirit in advance to prepare their hearts.

Third, Bible study will help you understand God’s thoughts and ways, which will prepare you to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). 

Secret #2: You don’t need to know everything.

Did you know that Jesus often sent people out to speak about Him even when they knew very little about Him? The woman at the well had a ten-minute conversation with Jesus before she started witnessing (John 4). Jesus sent out a demon-possessed man immediately after healing him. “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you” (Mark 5:19). So while it’s good to be knowledgeable about your faith, you don’t have to know all the details in order to share Bible truth effectively. Simply sharing what Jesus has done for you is often the best way to open people’s hearts to Jesus. 

You can even count on the Holy Spirit to help you share Jesus! When Jesus commissioned His disciples, He promised them that “the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” (Luke 12:12). He will do the same for you!

What do you do if someone asks a question that you don’t have the answer to? Don’t freak out. It’s okay not to know everything, and it’s okay to admit that you don’t currently have the answers. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep with you a supply of biblical literature on a variety of topics to share when a person is genuinely asking questions. You can also pass out this literature with little more than a smile and the words, “Here’s a little encouragement for you today.”

Secret #3: Don’t take rejection personally.

Sadly, not everyone you share with will be excited to learn about Jesus. Some people are going to reject your efforts to witness to them. Others simply may not be ready to learn about Jesus yet.

Rejection hurts. But remember that what people are really rejecting is a chance to learn about God. Keep praying for them and loving them. God can use your continued kindness to open their heart to His love.

You are deeply accepted and loved by Christ. Even when others turn down your attempts to witness, Jesus is proud of you. He is on your side. If you ask Him, He will help guide you to people who are interested in learning about Him.

Secret #4: Ask questions and listen well.

Do you remember when Jesus went missing as a 12-year-old? When His parents finally found Him three days later, He was at the temple in Jerusalem where they saw Him “both listening to [the rabbis] and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers” (Luke 2:46, 47). 

Did you catch it? Jesus witnessed to the rabbis by “listening” and “asking them questions.” He didn’t start by telling them everything He knew. Instead, He first learned about them. His gentle demeanor and probing questions got them thinking about passages of Scripture they had long ignored. Soon they were asking Him questions and listening to His answers!

Jesus’ witnessing techniques still work today. Here’s how:

Listen well: What are their concerns? Their joys? What are their questions? Show that you care about them.

Ask questions: Encourage people to think deeply about what matters to them and what they believe by asking questions. Probe gently about their reasons for belief or lack of belief.

Point to the Bible: Do what Jesus did when people ask about your faith. Share your experience and point them to the Bible for answers.

Secret #5: You’re talking about your Friend.

Do you have trouble talking about your best friends and the things you do together? Of course not!

Witnessing is simply telling what you know about your Best Friend and how He has worked in your life. 

Jesus’ friends Peter and John said it best: “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). So don’t be afraid to tell others about your friend Jesus. Just invite them to “come and see” Him for themselves (John 1:46). Then leave the results with Jesus.

Explore Further

If you would like to learn more about the Bible so that you can share your faith more effectively, consider taking the Amazing Facts online Bible study course or attending the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism. Easy-to-share biblical literature and sharing tracts can be found at the Amazing Facts Bookstore.

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