Has the world been feeling a little scary recently?
There is a new war in the Middle East. Human trafficking is a real threat. Prejudice is tearing society apart. Cyberbullying and hate are everywhere. AI might just take over the job you were planning on.
The world is getting chaotic—and it seems like there is little we can do about it.
Then there are the Bible prophecies about the end times. Wars, plagues, persecution, and the mark of the beast… it can all sound very frightening!
Is it possible to live without anxiety in today’s world? Or even better, is it possible to have peace today and confidence for the future?
The answer is a resounding YES!
This world may be falling apart, but you can live with hope and courage.
“Do Not Be Terrified”
Jesus knows that the things happening in these last days can be frightening.
When His disciples asked Him about the end times, He said, “When you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified” (Luke 21:9). Jesus understands that you and I get scared when bad things happen, and He sympathizes with us.
But Jesus also sees the whole scope of history. He knows that the things that keep us awake at night are just a blip in the timeline of eternity.
God doesn’t want you to be afraid. That’s why the Bible so often says, “Do not be afraid.” If God tells you to do something, then He will give you His strength to help you do it. You can be sure of that!
More Solid Than the Earth
Jesus knew we would need something solid to hold onto in the last days. That’s why He told His followers: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24:35).
The Bible is God’s answer to our need for something trustworthy. Centuries have proven its prophecies true, and millions of lives give proof of its transformative power. God’s Word is the one thing you can lean all your weight on when everything around you feels rickety.
Spend time reading the Bible and meditating on what it says. Imagine what it would have been like to be in the stories with the Bible heroes. Pray about what you read. There is no better way to learn God’s truth and develop a relationship with the One who promises “to be with [you] in trouble” (Psalm 91:15).
Peace in the Storm
If you really want peace in the storm, then you need to know that Jesus is with you.
It’s a lesson the disciples learned the hard way. Matthew 14 tells us that a storm swept down on the Sea of Galilee one night while Jesus’ disciples were out in the boat. The storm was intense, and by 3:00 in the morning, the disciples’ nerves were shot.
Then they saw a form walking on the water.
Now they were utterly terrified. They shrunk against the far side of the boat, their breath coming in little gasps between their shouts.
“But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying, ‘Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid’” (Matthew 14:27).
Our gentle, loving Jesus! He never comes to terrify us. Instead, He comes to us in the middle of our troubles to save us. The wind ceased as soon as Jesus got into the boat with the disciples. They must have breathed a huge sigh of relief. The storm was over, and Jesus was with them!
When Jesus gets into your boat with you, He will bring peace and calmness with Him. Bring your fears to Jesus—anything that has you worrying about the future-–and give them to Him.
Invite Him to get into your boat with you and guide you always. That’s a prayer He won’t ignore!