This question is really dealing with that age-old human struggle of emotions vs. faith.
You feel like God has forsaken you because of what your senses tell you. But you know He's right there with you because the Bible says, “He will never forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6), and you've felt His presence in the past.
Unfortunately, we can't see the big picture of our own lives, but we can take a glimpse at the big picture of the lives of two men from the Bible. The first one is a man named Job. He was a devoted follower of God who, one day, under mysterious circumstances,
seemed to have been instantly forsaken by God! Job lost his business, his family, and his health. All through this horrible time, he kept his faith in God. Even when his friends told him to curse God, Job knew he would be restored.
God seemed to have forsaken Job, and Job did not know why. But we know that God was still with Job, even protecting him from an even worse fate. Even when God restored everything to Job, He didn't tell Job why it had happened. He just said, “I'm God.
You're not. Who are you to question me?” And Job faithfully agreed.
The other life we get to see is that of the greatest man of faith who ever lived. Jesus, Himself, cried out on the cross, “Father, why have you forsaken me?” In this case, Jesus knew why. He also knew that even though it felt like God had forsaken Him,
God was still with Him, in purpose if not in presence, and that He would be restored.
Here's what you can do when your human emotions and human faith are fighting for dominance:
- Remain obedient. Do not swerve from your faith, for God is counting on you.
- Spend time with friends and family who love the Lord and will be sensitive to your plight. Praise and worship God through it all.
- Continue praying to the Lord and spending time in the Word.
Job was restored while he was still alive. Jesus had to die first. Whichever happens to you, you can be assured that you will be with Jesus in paradise because that's what the Word of God says.
“The one who believes in the Son has eternal life” (John 3:36).
“Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name” (Acts 10:43).
God is proud of young people like you who follow Him even when the whole world seems against you. Remember, He can do mighty works through you, so keep the faith!