God loves to write amazing love stories.
Don’t believe me? Think of some of the Bible’s romance stories:
Adam woke up from a nap to find the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen gazing at him. They linked hands, and God Himself blessed their marriage.
Rebecca traveled for days to marry a man she’d never met, but the two fell madly in love when she arrived.
The Song of Solomon eulogizes the love between Solomon and his bride. It’s a full-on, romantic love story that celebrates the joys of falling in love with the person of your dreams.
In fact, Proverbs tells us that: “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the LORD” (18:22).
How to Find the Person of Your Dreams
If you’re anything like I was as a young person, the identity of your future spouse is a big question mark in your mind—one you’d like answered sooner rather than later! How can you find the person you’re dreaming about? And more
important, how will you know if he or she is the one God has picked out for you?
Here are five vital steps for getting on board with God’s love story for your life:
- Discover God’s Dream: The first step in finding the person of your dreams is to spend time getting to know God through the Bible. Read the book of Proverbs and study Bible characters. What strengths did God commend in their lives? What faults did He point out? As you study these heroes of faith, you will discover that characteristics like honesty, courage, virtue, kindness, compassion, hard work, and dignity distinguish a godly man or woman. First and foremost, look for someone who exemplifies these Christ-like traits and whom you can respect in every way. Begin to pray regularly for your future spouse to be a godly person.
- Be the Dream: Even more important, ask God to build His traits in your own life. Think about what kind of person your ideal man or woman will be looking for. If you want someone
who values truthfulness and compassion, then look for ways to cultivate those traits in yourself. If you are looking for someone who loves God supremely, are you making God the priority in your life? Do you want someone who is wise with
their money? Then you need to learn good financial skills. You get the idea. Ask God to grow you into the dream person that your future spouse will be looking for.
- Know Your Dream: What things are important to you? Do you value excitement and adventure? Or would you rather spend long days reading in a quiet retreat? What are your goals in
life? Do you want to serve in the mission field or near your home? Do you want children? These things all matter in choosing a spouse. You and your partner don’t have to think exactly alike, but it is vital that your values line up and
your interests are compatible. “Can two walk together unless they agree?” (Amos 3:3). Take some time to prayerfully write out a list of the traits that are important to you in your future spouse and pray about them regularly.
- Get Guidance on Your Dream: Don’t neglect the guidance of your parents and other godly mentors in your life. These individuals often have invaluable insights that when ignored
may lead to our peril! Seek out their counsel and listen carefully, even if you don’t like what you hear at first. “Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established” (Proverbs 15:22).
- Be Patient with Your Dream: Our plans for our lives may not always line up with God’s schedule for our lives. It can be hard to wait, but you can know that God knows what is
best for you. “Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him and He shall
bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:3-5).
God still loves to delight His children with enchanting love stories. You never know—He may have a wonderful one in your future.
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